Online Banking Terms and Conditions
This Agreement is the contract that covers your and our rights and responsibilities concerning Online Banking Internet Banking Services offered to you. The words "you" and "yours" mean those who complete the Online Banking application on line. The words "we", "us", and "our" mean County Excellence Federal Credit Union (CEFCU) located at 16 East Lincoln Ave, Roselle Park, NJ 07204, phone number 908-245-0173.
By completing the Online Banking online registration, you agree to the terms and conditions governing your and our rights and responsibilities concerning the Online Banking electronic funds transfer service. Electronic funds transfers (EFT) are electronically initiated transactions involving your deposit and loan accounts at the Credit Union through your personal computer or other electronic device.
Online Banking Requirements
You must be a member in good standing and agree to the terms and conditions of CEFCU’s Online Banking Agreement and Disclosure.
To use Online Banking, you need a computer or other device with Internet access and a web browser that supports 128-bit encryption. CEFCU is committed to providing the most secure Internet service. When you interact with CEFCU on this secure site, all the information is encrypted or encoded. Encryption is a procedure for turning plain text or other information into an unrecognizable pattern of data. 128-bit encryption is the strongest form of Web browser encryption commonly available for use on the Internet, and you must use a browser that supports 128-bit encryption to access your accounts.
System Requirements for Online Banking:
- Personal Online Banking requires an Internet browser of Internet Explorer, Firefox, Chrome, Safari, or Microsoft Edge on the two most up to date platforms.
- Sufficient electronic storage capacity on your device’s hard drive or other data storage unit;
- Adobe Acrobat Reader that is most current.
- An e-mail account with an Internet service provider and e-mail software in order to receive our electronic communications; and
- A personal computer or other device, operating system, and telecommunications connections to the Internet capable of receiving, accessing, displaying, and either printing or storing electronic communications.
You are responsible for the set-up and maintenance of your computer, other device, and/or peripherals. We are not responsible for any errors or failures from any malfunction of your device or any virus or other problems related to the use of the Internet Banking Services.
Online Banking Online Registration
If you meet the requirements, you may register online by going to our website www.countyexfcu.org, click on Online Banking and follow the instructions. If you do not meet the requirements, your access will be canceled. You may contact a member services representative at 908-245-0173 for further assistance.
Online Banking Access
Upon approval, you may use your personal computer or other device to access your accounts. You must use your Online Banking user name and password to access your accounts.
Availability of Online Banking Internet Service
Online Banking services are generally available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year except for those times that the system is unavailable due to back-up procedures or maintenance. We are not liable under this Agreement for failure to provide access due to a system failure or due to other unforeseen acts.
We may modify, suspend, or terminate access to the Online Banking Internet Banking Services at any time and for any reason without notice.
Online Banking Services
You can use Online Banking to access all accounts that are linked to your social security number. At your request, you may remove access to any account or sub-account that has your social security number.
At the present time, you may use the following Online Banking services:
Account Information - You may review balances and transaction history on all accounts and sub-accounts existing under your user name. Your account balances are online and include all transactions that have been posted to your account up to that point in time. However, the availability of funds for transfer or withdrawal may be limited due to our Funds Availability Policy. The transaction history information may be limited to recent account information involving your accounts.
Transfers - You may make transfers to your accounts or other accounts that you are authorized on as often as you like except for those accounts with transfer limitations as disclosed when you opened the account and any amendments to that disclosure. Transfers and bill payments from your savings will be limited to a total of six (6) (Federal Regulation D) in any one month prior to receiving an Excessive Withdrawal Fee. All Club Withdrawals are subject to an Excessive Withdrawal Fee. You may transfer or withdraw up to the available balance in your account at the time of the transfer, except as limited under this Agreement or your deposit. We reserve the right to refuse any transaction that would draw upon insufficient or unavailable funds, lower an account below a required balance, or otherwise require us to increase our required reserve on the account.
Transactions involving your accounts will be subject to the terms of your Membership and Account Agreement; and transactions involving a line of credit account or Home Equity Loan will be subject to your Credit Agreement and Disclosures, or your Home Equity Agreement and Disclosures, as applicable.
E-mail - You may send communications directly to the Credit Union. However, the Credit Union may not immediately receive e-mail communications that you send and the Credit Union will not take action based on e-mail requests until the Credit Union actually receives your message and has a reasonable opportunity to act. If you need to contact the Credit Union immediately regarding an unauthorized transaction, you may call the Credit Union at 908-245-0173.
Withdrawal by Check - You may make withdrawals to your accounts or other accounts that you are authorized on as often as you like except for those accounts with withdrawal limitations as disclosed when you opened the account and any amendments to that disclosure. Withdrawals and bill payments from your savings will be limited to a total of six (6) (Federal Regulation D) in any one month prior to receiving an Excessive Withdrawal Fee. All Club Withdrawals are subject to an Excessive Withdrawal Fee. You may withdraw up to the available balance in your account at the time of the transaction, except as limited under this Agreement or your deposit. We reserve the right to refuse any transaction that would draw upon insufficient or unavailable funds, lower an account below a required balance, or otherwise require us to increase our required reserve on the account.
Transactions involving your accounts will be subject to the terms of your Membership and Account Agreement; and transactions involving a line of credit account or Home Equity Loan will be subject to your Credit Agreement and Disclosures, or your Home Equity Agreement and Disclosures, as applicable.
Change Password - You may select a new password for your account access at any time.
Authorized Use
Your user name and password will be your Online Banking home signature and you can use it to access all accounts that are linked to your social security number. Members that are joint owners on other accounts will also have access to those accounts. At your request, you may remove access to any account or sub-account that has your social security number.
Security of User Name and Password
You are responsible for safekeeping of your user name and password. You agree not to disclose or otherwise make your user name and password available to anyone not authorized to sign on your accounts. If you fail to maintain the security of your user name and password and CEFCU suffers a loss, we may terminate your Online Banking account services immediately. Revealing your user name and password will grant access to those accounts by unauthorized individuals.
To ensure the security of your Online Banking account, we will return you to the Log On screen if no activity has occurred within ten (10) minutes.
Member Liability
You are responsible for all transfers you authorize under this Agreement. If you permit other persons to use your user name and password, you are responsible for any transactions they authorize or conduct on any of your accounts. However, tell us at once if you believe anyone has used your user name and password or accessed your accounts without your authority. Telephoning is the best way of keeping your possible losses down. For Online Banking transactions, if you tell us within two (2) business days, you can lose no more than fifty dollars ($50.00) if someone accessed your account without your permission. If you do not tell us within two (2) business days after you learn of the unauthorized use of your account or user name and password, and we can prove that we could have stopped someone from accessing your account without your permission if you had told us, you could lose as much as five hundred dollars ($500.00).
Also, if your statement shows Online Banking transfers that you did not make, tell us at once. If you do not tell us within sixty (60) days after the statement was mailed to you, you may be liable for the full amount of the loss if we can prove that we could have stopped someone from making the unauthorized transactions. If a good reason (such as a long trip or hospital stay) kept you from telling us, we will extend the time periods.
If you believe that someone has used your user name and password or has transferred or may transfer money from your account without your permission, call us at 908-245-0173.
Immediately change your password if you think it has been compromised.
Business Days
Our business days are Monday through Friday, excluding holidays.
Fees and Charges
Currently there are no fees to use Online Banking. All standard fees (NSF, etc.) set forth in our fees and charges schedule apply. CEFCU reserves the right to charge for Online Banking account access or transactions in the future. You will be given at least 30 days advance notice before CEFCU implements any changes to fees or adds any new fees for Online Banking service.
Right to Receive Statements
All of your Online Banking transactions will appear on your regular account statement. The Credit Union will not provide separate documentation of this activity. You may print the confirmation of each transaction from your computer or other device screen for your records.
Account Information Disclosure
We will disclose information to third parties about your account or the transfers you make:
- where it is necessary for completing transfers; or
- in order to verify the existence and condition of your account for a third party, such as a credit bureau or merchant; or
- in order to comply with government agency or court orders; or
- if you give us written permission
Credit Union Liability for Failure to Make Transfers
If we do not complete a transfer to or from your account on time or in the correct amount according to our agreement with you, we will be liable for your losses or damages. However, there are some exceptions. We will not be liable for instance:
- If through no fault of ours, you do not have enough money in your account to make the transfer, your account is inactive, or the transfer would go over the credit limit on your line of credit, if applicable.
- If you used the wrong password or you have not properly followed any applicable computer or other device or Credit Union user instructions for making transfer and bill payment transactions.
- If your computer or other device fails or malfunctions or the Online Banking service was not properly working and such problem should have been apparent when you attempted such transaction.
- If circumstances beyond our control (such as fire, flood, telecommunication outages, strikes, equipment or power failure) prevent making the transaction.
- If the funds in your account are subject to an administrative hold, legal process, or other claim.
- If you have not given the Credit Union complete, correct and current instructions so the Credit Union can process a transfer or in the event we receive conflicting information.
- If the error was caused by a system beyond the Credit Union's control such as a telecommunications system or Internet Service Provider.
- If there are other exceptions as established by the Credit Union.
Termination of Electronic Fund Transfer Services
You agree that we may terminate this Agreement and your electronic fund transfer services if you, or any authorized user of your Online Banking services or password, breach this or any other agreement with us; or if we have reason to believe that there has been an unauthorized use of your accounts or password.
You or any other party to your account can terminate this Agreement by notifying us in writing. Termination of service will be effective the first business day following receipt of your written notice. Termination of this Agreement will not affect the rights and responsibilities of the parties under this Agreement for transactions initiated before termination. Online Banking services may be terminated to those members that cause a loss to the Credit Union.
The Credit Union reserves the right to change the terms and conditions upon which this service is offered. The Credit Union will mail notice to you at least thirty (30) days before the effective date of any change, as required by law. Use of this service is subject to existing regulations governing the Credit Union account and any future changes to those regulations.
Governing Law
This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with all applicable federal laws and all applicable substantive laws of the State of New Jersey where you opened your account and the By-laws of the Credit Union as they now exist or may hereafter be amended. You understand that we must comply with these laws, regulations, and rules. You agree that if there is any inconsistency between the terms of the Agreement and any applicable law, regulation, or rule, the terms of this Agreement will prevail to the extent any such law, regulation, or rule may be modified by agreement between us.
You agree to be liable to the Credit Union for any liability, loss, or expense as provided in this Agreement that the Credit Union incurs as a result of any dispute involving your accounts or services. You authorize the Credit Union to deduct any such liability, loss, or expense from your account without prior notice to you.
Error Resolution
In case of errors or questions regarding your Online Banking transactions, call us at 908-245-0173 or write to us at CEFCU, 16 East Lincoln Ave, Roselle Park, NJ 07204 as soon as you can. We must hear from you no later than sixty (60) days after we sent the FIRST statement on which the problem or error appeared.
- Tell us your name and account number.
- Describe the error or the transaction you are unsure about, and explain as clearly as you can why you believe it is an error or why you need more information.
- Tell us the dollar amount of the suspected error. If you tell us orally, we may require that you send us your complaint or question in writing within ten (10) business days.
We will tell you the results of our investigation within ten (10) business days after we hear from you and will correct the error promptly. For errors related to transactions occurring within thirty (30) days after the first deposit to the account (new accounts), we will tell you the results of our investigation within twenty (20) business days. If we need more time, however, we may take up to forty-five (45) calendar days to investigate your complaint or question (ninety (90) calendar days for new account transaction errors, or errors involving transactions initiated outside the United States). If we decide to do this, we will re-credit your account within ten (10) business days for the amount you think is in error, so that you will have the use of the money during the time it takes us to complete our investigation. If we ask you to put your complaint or question in writing and we do not receive it within ten (10) business days, we may not re-credit your account.
If it is determined there was no error, we will send you a written explanation within three (3) business days after we finish our investigation. You may ask for copies of the documents that we used in our investigation.
E-Statement Enrollment
By enrolling in Online Banking, you are automatically enrolled in electronic account statements from CEFCU. This service is available to you at no cost and will allow you to view your current and past account statements for all of your accounts on a secure website. As part of the registration process, please read the following Consent and Authorization disclosure and indicate your acceptance at the bottom.
Consent and Authorization for Electronic Transmission of Regular and/or Visa All Account Statements
In this Consent and Authorization, the words “I,” “Me,” and “My” mean each person who electronically signs below. The words “Account Number” mean the account number that I entered to access this Consent and Authorization. The word “Account” means any and all accounts held at CEFCU under the Account Number, including but not limited to accounts held under a suffix number, such as share, checking, savings, retirement, money market, certificate and loan accounts.
I understand that pursuant to my account and/or loan agreements with CEFCU, I may be entitled to receive periodic account statements in connection with My Account, such as savings account statements, loan statements, and/or Visa credit card statements (“Account Statements”). By indicating my acceptance of these excepting terms and conditions, I authorize CEFCU to discontinue sending meme such periodic Account Statements via postal mail service for My Account and to instead deliver such periodic Account Statements to meme electronically (“E-Statements”). begin sending statement information via e-mail. I understand and agree that CEFCU Federal Credit Union will send me an e-mail on an ongoing basis to my primary e-mail address, as indicated in Online Banking, notifying me that my E-Statement account statement(s) are ready to be viewed on the CEFCU website. I understand and agree that I will no longer receive paper copies of my periodic account statements.
I further understand and agree that:
- I am the authorized signer [primary accountholder] of the Account indicated below. My electronic signature executed in conjunction with this Consent and Authorization any electronic transaction on this Account shall be legally binding on all owners on the account including myself and such any transaction performed pursuant to this Consent and Authorization transaction shall be considered authorized by meme.
- If the Account Number entered to access this Consent and Authorization the Account indicated below is a joint account, I acknowledge that I am the primary accountholder of the joint account indicated below and that my consent and authorization has been authorized by each of the joint accountholders. All joint account holders owners on the account are legally bound by the terms and conditions of this Consent and Authorization.
Transactions performed on any Account indicated below by electronic means, which contain an electronic signature [where my PIN is utilized][where the security procedure described below is utilized], shall be considered authorized by me.
- My ongoing consent to receive subsequent account statements electronically is voluntary and may be withdrawn at any time. I may withdraw consent at any time by un-registering for the service by selecting the “Services” tab in Online Banking and choosing the link to “Register or Unregister for eStatements” and following the instructions. I can also enroll at any time by submitting a request in writing, by telephone [or by sending CEFCU an e-mail at [email protected]. ] and Subject to CEFCU’s confirmation of my request, such withdrawal shall become effective no later than fifteen (15) days after receipt by CEFCU. Upon termination, I understand and agree that I will no longer have access to my account statements online and that I will receive all Account Statements in paper form via postal mail service [subject to the fee as set forth in COWWW FCU’s Schedule of Fees and Charges].
- My computer system or other device meets the minimum system requirements set forth below. In addition, I have and will maintain a printer capable of printing any E-Statements that are e-mailed to meme and/or made available on CEFCU’s website. In the alternative, I have and will maintain the ability to electronically save and visually display on my computer or other device screen any E-Statements that are e-mailed to meme and/or made available on CEFCU’s website. I understand that CEFCU recommends that I print a copy of any E-Statement and of this Consent and Authorization for my records.
Minimum System Requirements: To receive and review account statements electronically, and to view, download, and print E-Statements, you will need Microsoft Internet Explorer version 5.5 or higher, or Netscape version 4.0 or higher, and. You Adobe Acrobat Reader version 4.0 or higher.
- I agree to maintain a valid, active e-mail address. I must promptly notify CEFCU of any change in my e-mail or postal address by contacting CEFCU at 908-245-0173 or by changing my email address in Online Banking by accessing the “Services” tab and choosing “Change Email Address” and following the instructions. CEFCU is not liable for any third party-incurred fees, other legal liability, or any other issues or liabilities arising from E-Statements or notifications sent to an invalid or inactive e-mail address or postal address that you have provided.
6. I may also request a paper copy of any periodic regular and/or Visa account statement. an electronic transaction [A fee may be charged for any such paper copies, subject to the fee as set forth into CEFCU’s Schedule of Fees and Charges].
- I understand and agree that CEFCU reserves the right to change the terms and conditions of this Consent and Authorization. CEFCU will notify me before the effective date of any change. This means CEFCU will mail me notice using the United States Post Office at the address CEFCU currently has on file. By accessing My E-Statements after I receive any notice of change will constitute my agreement to such change(s). CEFCU reserves the right to discontinue the E-Statements program at any time.
Security Procedures: I understand that I cannot sign up for the E-Statements program and cannot access my regular and/or Visa account statements without first signing up for ONLINE BANKING and obtaining a Remote Access PIN and an ONLINE BANKING Password. I AGREE THAT USE OF A REMOTE ACCESS PIN AND ONLINE BANKING PASSWORD TO SIGN UP FOR THE E-STATEMENTS PROGRAM AND TO ACCESS MY ACCOUNT STATEMENTS CONSTITUTES A REASONABLE SECURITY PROCEDURE. I further understand that if I disclose my Remote Access PIN and ONLINE BANKING Password to other people, they may also have the ability to access my regular and/or Visa account statements and I will be responsible for any transactions they may complete. I agree to notify CEFCU immediately if I believe any of my accounts have been accessed or an Access Code has been used without my permission to access my accounts. The terms and conditions in this Consent and Authorization for Electronic Transmission of Regular and/or Visa All Account Statements only apply to the E-Statements program. Provisions in other CEFCU agreements and disclosures, including but not limited to CEFCU’s Account Disclosure and in any and all loan agreements and disclosures, may be revised from time to time and remain effective for all other aspects of the accounts involved.
Plaid: Users may connect certain applications to their financial institution using Plaid. Use of any service that utilizes Plaid is at the user’s own risk. Provider has no control over any services provided by Plaid. Provider makes no representations regarding the security of any data transferred to or otherwise made available to Plaid. Provider cannot and does not warrant that any data transferred to or otherwise made available to Plaid will remain confidential. Provider has no control or right to control data transferred to or otherwise made available to Plaid. In agreeing to provide Plaid Connectivity services to customer, provider is not an insurer of the data that the member may choose to transfer or make available to Plaid. Provider has disclaimed all warranties, conditions, and representation of any kind, whether express, implied, statutory, or otherwise, including those related to merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, non-infringement, and arising out of course of dealing or usage of trade.